Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mailasandra Kere

Near to the BGS hospital on Uttarhalli/Mysore rd, there is this wonderful big, dry lake. The area is quite impressive. First of all this being very dry season there is no rain. Don’t know when this lake was ever having water.  The other side of the road, I think the second part of this dry lake is present. Don't know whether its a private property or a lake. But that is also a big area and looks like a lake or a cricket ground ;-) Today only I saw a documentary about Sir MV - engineers day. Don't know what kinda engineer I am, when I can't think of any solutions to this lake problem? But very near to this lake is a heavy flow of Bangalore drainage – flows like a small river. Don’t know whether any water purification plant can be put nearby and this lake be rejuvenated? Just a thought.

(Size: 27 Acre - Ref: 'Kere Karaguva Samaya' - R. Manjunath)

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